The Spiral

Surya Murali
2 min readFeb 27, 2019

The most profound realizations about life hit us when we are extremely happy or utterly broken.

I had one of those moments recently.

There was something I was craving to try although I shouldn’t have. I knew very well, it would affect my peace if I did it. But I still went ahead with it. Although I had the momentary happiness, it affected me deeply.

But the incident helped me put things in perspective.

Each of us has three different planes — the mind, the body, and the soul.

The mind, that has the thoughts; The body, that does the deeds; The soul, that bears the results. I could relate it to the Holy trinity — Brahma the creator (the mind), Vishnu the preserver (the body) and Siva the destroyer (the soul).

Who is the most important of them?

Who is the most dangerous of them?

Is it the mind that creates the thoughts (good and evil)? Is it the body that decides to act on the thoughts through words or action? Is it the soul that can get ripped or elevated based on the actions and consequences?

To me, it seems like these planes are a never-ending spiral with one thing leading to another and it goes on with each becoming more powerful than the previous as we keep spiraling.

This spiral can lead to complete self-destruction or deep self-upliftment.

Bad thoughts can manifest in our words and actions; Our soul, in turn, gets ripped. Every time we repeat, our soul gets ripped a bit more going into the negative spiral.

Getting out of the spiral is important if the soul is plowed into.

Because no one can affect our soul except ourselves.

Feeding the mind with beautiful thoughts can help us do good things. And the soul, in turn, gets elevated getting into a positive spiral.

The best and the worst part of this is it’s a cycle.

With this realization, I forgave myself for the mistakes of my past and made a promise to myself to not repeat them.

You may find the worst enemy or the best friend in yourself.

~some wise human



Surya Murali

Writer, Traveler, Sales & Marketing person, conversationalist, Dreamer, Animal Lover.